What is cataract surgery in Singapore and is it painful

Do you experience problems seeing due to cloudy vision that even spectacles can not help? In this case, you could have a cataract, a condition in which the clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy, preventing sufficient light rays from entering the eye and impairing vision. You need a cataract surgery. 

In cataract surgery, the lens inside your eye that has become cloudy is removed and replaced with an artificial lens (called an intraocular lens, or IOL) to restore clear vision. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require other care facility. 

Cataract is common in the elderly due to ageing. Prolonged ultra-violet light exposure, long term use of medications such as steroids and certain illnesses like diabetes are also risk factors for the development of cataracts. Cataract can be present at birth or develop as a result of injury. 

the cataract surgery

The first sign of cataract is usually blurring of vision. Other complaints may include frequent change of glasses due to increasing short-sightedness in the adults, colours appearing dull, poor vision in bright light, glare, haloes around lights, difficulty reading or watching television or driving at night. 

Singapore cataract surgery will usually be advised by your surgeon when your poor vision caused by cataract can not be corrected with glasses and interferes with your daily activities. 

When going through cataract surgery Singapore, you are sedated. This is not a general anaesthetic, and you do remain awake during the cataract surgery. There is no discomfort associated with sedation, which puts you into a 'twilight' state. While you can still respond to basic instructions from the surgeon, such as 'look at the light,' you will often have little memory of the Singapore cataract surgery afterwards. One minute you're talking to the anaesthetist, the next you are being offered tea and refreshments after your procedure is complete. It is not a painful cataract surgery. 

After your cataract surgery, you will need to administer eye-drops into the operated eye at regular intervals for up to 4 weeks. Light activities and good hygiene are advised. Potential contaminants to the healing wound such as from swimming and hair-washing should be avoided. 

You should return for check-ups at one day, within one week and at about a month from your Singapore cataract surgery. click more laser cataract surgery

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Singapore Cataract Surgery

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